Category Archives: JDBC


I have a permanent job at the NetCracker‘s System Performance group. Recently I was offered to do one day job outside, on-site in another company, which coincidentally has an office close to NetCracker’s Moscow office. It was an opportunity to apply my skills in a completely different situation which I couldn’t miss; plus I’ve never done public presentations before and this was a good occasion to practice that. Here I’d like to write down some notes how the event went.

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When column name matters

There’s a thread on the OTN forum with a case of amusing behavior of the JDBC driver: it fails to detect properly all bind variables in an SQL statement referencing column named NORDER.

1) Oracle’s SSO is actually Multi Sign-On because I have two accounts (one for OTN forums and one for MOS) and have to relogin each time I switch from MOS to OTN forums.
2) I hate that.

Cardinality of table collection expression

Table collection expression has been in Oracle for more than 10 years. It is handy for passing an array to Oracle. Quite often, though, there is was a well-known problem with a default cardinality associated with table collection expressions used in the SQL.

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Edition name as a property for JDBC thin client

A question on Edition-Based Redefinition appeared on the OTN forum:

The purpose is to try to upgrade an app in production. For most application users they will keep using the pre-upgrade app connecting to the old edition by default, while at the same time some UAT users will test out the post-upgraded app on the new edition. The question is how will the Java app connect to a user schema to use the new edition

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If you were an Oracle developer and you were asked to implement a small part of the JDBC driver functionality – the getIndexInfo() method of the java.sql.DatabaseMetaData interface – how’d you do that?

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